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Archive for September 18, 2012

Castle Season 5

Just seen the promo for Season 5 of Castle.

Is it sad that I’m ridiculously excited to see it?


My Red Sofa


No where near as classy as my Gravatar but a damn comfy sofa. I’m 6 days post surgery and have been nesting here…. When it comes to going back to work, will I make it?

Britain Taking Over

As I sit on my comfy red sofa (I am employed but recovering from surgery) I’ve started thinking about how the British are taking over Hollywood.

Think about it Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill, RPattz, Christian Bale and so on are all massive stars and seem to be getting bigger. So where has the young American talent gone?

There used to be a time when Hollywood was dominated by American talent. Now the British, Canadians, Australians etc are surpassing them. Is this change for the good?