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The Evolution of TV

Over recent years have any of you noticed how TV has become more popular than films?

When I come home after work I seem to prefer watching a couple of episodes of something rather than a whole movie. TV shows have become an entirely different medium to what they were 10 years ago.

I think Lost might have started this back in 04. No one had ever seen a show that expensive and captivating (ignoring the last season, what happened there Lindelof?). At the same time Desperate Housewives turned up and since then we’ve had House, Breaking Bad, True Blood, Homeland, Grey’s Anatomy and much more. Now we see major Hollywood stars on the small screen; think of Steve Buscemi in Boardwalk Empire.

I think the economic crisis might have something to do with this. Sounds preachy but here me out. We all ran out of money so it’s logical to think that more effort is being put into TV which is essentially free for viewers. Accessibility is what studios were looking for and TV is the way to capture people’s attention, imagination and money.

TV shows are now more like mini films each week and this trend looks like it’s going to continue. I love the cinema but it definitely isn’t cheap.

Coming this afternoon… My top 10 TV Shows

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