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Archive for October, 2012


Off to see Skyfall in IMAX tomorrow. I expect good things.

Sinister Review

A tad belated and apologies for the radio silence. Here is my mini review of Sinister.

A creepy found footage opening sets the tone for Sinister. Throughout the film there is a variety of good scares and Ethan Hawke is watchable as the struggling crime writer.

Sinister falls down in it’s 3rd act im a similar way to Insidious. The film starts with the idea of serial killings but quickly descends into the supernatural. Although the supernatural ‘Mr Boogie’ is an addquate villain, part of me wanted it to be a real life serial killer.

The film drags in places but it’s one to watch for some good scares. Unfortunatel it’s not memorable


Preparing to see Sinister on Saturday. Will I be terrified or tickled?…

Why women love chick flicks

Some freely admit it, others pretend they don’t love them; but in my mind there’s nothing better than a good chick flick. Whether it’s a genuinely good film, or some trashy romance that you’d be embarrassed to get caught watching – there’s something for everyone.

So what is it about them that we love?

–          Fairytale endings

Some chick flicks have the perfect ending where everyone ends up together, the hero sweeps the heroine off her feet and all’s well in the world. The fairytale ending is the ultimate feel good experience after a long day or something emo like that. We watch ones like this to feel better and to enjoy the cheesy fiction of it all.

–          Sad endings

Every now and then the best chick flicks are the ones with the sad ending. Think of The Notebook, Moulin Rouge, Titanic, Beaches and so on – sad endings that we watch again and again. Maybe it’s the catharsis of it all, but a sad ending is exactly what we need. Whether we need an excuse to cry or just fancy a good weepy where we can relate to the characters, the sad ending is an essential part of the chick flick canon.

–          Romantic stars

From hot romantic men to sexy damsels, chick flicks are littered with incredibly good looking stars and that’s part of why we love them. It’s entertaining to watch impossibly beautiful people go through the trials and tribulations of love. Then there are the romantic ideals we have ourselves and how we see these people act reassures us. True we sometimes compare real life to the movies, but every now and then it’s good to indulge.

–          The good and the bad

Some chick flicks are universally recognised as good films, take Beaches, Titanic, Dirty Dancing, Steel Magnolias and so on. On the other hand there are the so bad they’re good ones – He’s Just Not That Into You, A Walk to Remember, Legally Blonde. The contrast of these films just goes to show how much girly films are needed in everyday life. We all like to be swept off our feet and indulge in these romantic notions from time to time, we need them to balance everything.


So what’s your favourite chick flick and does it land in the good pile or the so bad they’re good?

A Good Day to Die Hard

I’ve just seen the first trailer for A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth installment of the McClane franchise. Lots of guns, violence and Bruce being Bruce but this seems to have lost all the charm of the original trilogy (the 4th just doesn’t count in my opinion).

Check it out for yourselves

A Good Day to Die Hard