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The New Star Wars

So JJ Abrams has been confirmed as the director for the new Star Wars franchise, what are you thoughts?

In my mind there’s no one better to take the reigns then Abrams. He proved to us with his reboot of Star Trek that he could make an up to date, intelligent and fun movie whilst still paying homage to the greatness of the original – hopefully he does the same with Star Wars. Abrams has openly stated that he loves Wars more than Trek, I think this should give him the edge and will allow him to create a great movie.

The only draw back to the whole story is plot. The original Star Wars movies are phenomenal and they’re filled with great characters, action and so on. The prequels were in my mind pretty much a disaster – whoever thought that casting Hayden Christensen was a good idea should be shot! – the only redeeming moment in those films was in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin finally became Darth Vader. 6 hours of film just to see that. We don’t know yet what direction the new Star Wars is going to take, I just hope that Abrams is given control over proceedings and is allowed to put his own stamp on the franchise. With Disney being a major player there probably won’t be much opportunity for a dark story line but fingers crossed!

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