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Archive for February, 2013

BAFTA Afterthoughts

So the BAFTAs are done for another year and I’m happy to say that some of my predictions didn’t come true! The event itself was quite entertaining: a few good presenters, Stephen Fry on top form and a slightly out of place performance from Paloma Faith, but it came down to the Awards and there were a few surprises.

Leading Actress went to Emmanuelle Riva for her portrayal of Alzheimer sufferer Anne. I was surprised that BAFTA chose to go for an obscure foreign film, but it was nice to see them honouring a truly stunning performance. I’m not sure if anyone was watching closely but David O’Russell’s reaction to Jennifer Lawrence’s loss was quite amusing.

I called Supporting Actress wrong as well with Anne Hathaway scooping yet another award. I usually like Hathaway but her award campaigning has been so over the top that it’s put me off her slightly. Hopefully once the season’s over she’ll return to normality.

Argo was the big winner for me with Ben Affleck making a touching speech about ‘second acts’ and the such like. His transformation from young Hollywood actor to Bennifer and now to award winning director is joyous and I hope he continues making such innovative films.

It was good to see The Imposter getting recognised and Searching for Sugar Man as well. The BAFTAs this year were good to watch and I’m hoping for more surprises in the future.


The BAFTAs approach

It’s a few hours to the BAFTAs and I’m getting rather excited. What is it about an awards ceremony that’s always entertaining to watch? I’m glad Stephen Fry is back on presenting duties, he’s just far more interesting then Jonathan Ross who comes across a bit try hard at times.

Although as I’ve said previously I don’t expect any shock winners tonight here are my predictions for the big awards:

Best Film: Argo

With all the buzz that this film has been getting, I think we will get a pleasant surprise and Ben Affleck will be walking to yet another podium this season.

Outstanding British Film: Skyfall

This seems like a no-brainer and I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t win. We’ve had 50 years of Bond and Skyfall was truly exceptional and well worthy of this award.

Best Foreign Film: Amour

Has it in the bag

Best Director: Ben Affleck

I think BAFTA will honour Affleck considering the snub he got from the Academy.

Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino will never win the big awards because of the controversy around his films. But in terms of screenplay his talent is undeniable.

Leading Actor: Daniel Day Lewis

Lewis only does roles that will gain him an award so he has this one all wrapped up.

Leading Actress: Jessica Chastain

I think BAFTA will take the serious route and recognise Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty.

Supporting Actress: Judi Dench

It’s BAFTA, it’s British, it’s all about Bond, Judi Dench should get this one for her last outing.

Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz

Easily the best thing in Django, Waltz should get this prize with no hesitation.

It’s only a few hours so we’ll see how my predictions pan out!

Argo Buzz

Does anyone else find it highly amusing that Argo is winning directing awards left, right and centre; but it isn’t up for the Oscar?

Ben Affleck has been deservedly walking up to the podium again and again but he’ll be firmly in his seat on Oscar night.

Part of me wonders if the Academy is feeling a little sheepish in snubbing several directors this year. Although the nomination lists were extended this year; so many directors, actors, fx guys etc have been ignored (I still can’t believe The Impossible wasn’t even shortlisted for effects). I think on Oscar night a lot of voters are going to awkwardly look the other way as the generic winners are announced.