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Posts tagged “man of steel

Affleck as Batman – another view

Yes I am jumping on the bandwagon by discussing what could be this year’s biggest bit of casting news. Ben Affleck has been cast as an “older and wiser” Bruce Wayne in the Superman/Batman film.

My issue is not with Affleck’s casting (true Daredevil was awful but Affleck has come a long way and is one of the greatest directors working today). I take issue with the idea that Superman and Batman can work together in a film. Although they work well together in comic book form, audiences have taken to the realistic element of superheroes like fish to water. By having these two heavy weights in the same film it just doesn’t gel for me. The Avengers worked because Marvel has always been lighter than DC and they also had Whedon at the helm who is in my mind the Master of Ensemble casting.

The Dark Knight Rises was only released last year and to already have this in the pipeline seems as if this critically and commercially lauded franchise is just being put out to pasture. Man of Steel was for me an extremely disappointing film. It was too dark and lacked any form of charisma and charm which is what Superman needs.

If Affleck’s Batman is to be as similarly dark as Bale’s or Cavill’s Superman then it’s going to be one long torturous film with not a smile in the house.

Ben Affleck isn’t the world’s greatest actor but he is charismatic and can hold his own. Part of me wishes they’d given him directing duties instead of casting him as Bruce Wayne. Alternatively they should have had him cast as another Batman instead of Bruce Wayne. What are your thoughts on this casting news?